A couple weeks ago, my dad and sister and I had the blessing of singing in our church choir's Christmas cantata. Our director put together a program of several choral pieces interspersed with Scripture readings. We had about 20 choir members and a 7-piece orchestra, and though our performance wasn't on as grand a scale as those in the videos below, it was beautiful nonetheless.
Our program began with Dan Forrest's magnificent arrangement of O Come, All Ye Faithful. This particular video features several different high school and college choirs from south Mississippi - they performed it last year. We loved singing it and wish we could do it again!
We also sang three of Mack Wilberg's arrangements! Fum, Fum, Fum was fun to perform but difficult to learn - the time signature changes multiple times starting at 0:36, and the rhythm in the the bass and alto parts was tricky.
Away in a Manger - such a beautiful, peaceful song. We sang it again on Christmas Eve.
I Saw Three Ships - oh, and we thought Fum, Fum, Fum! was hard to learn! Goodness gracious. We called this one "The Beast". The Mormon Tabernacle Choir, of which Mack Wilberg is the director, performed it at an even faster tempo than we did (and ours was still fast!). At 2:14 all four parts begin going up the scale chromatically in half-steps and thirds (sorry! #theorynerdprobs) and it was incredibly difficult to sing the right notes, on pitch, with the correct rhythm. Needless to say, we felt like we could conquer the world when we finally learned it!
Also, side note: I got to play the glockenspiel at 1:16! That was new experience for me, but a fun one. Our choir director asked me less than a month before the performance, "Hey, can you play the glockenspiel part?" "Sure! Um...remind me...what is a glockenspiel?" "Oh, it's like a small xylophone. You know how to play the piano, so you can play it." "Okay...!?" "I won't be able to get a spare set for you to practice on before the dress rehearsal, so you'll have only one day to practice." No pressure, right?! Thankfully, he actually was able to get a spare set, so I had a few days to make sure I had my part down. It wasn't too hard, but with only two handbells ringing while I was playing (at first), the sound was so exposed. If I made a mistake, I knew the whole congregation would hear it!
Earlier in Advent, we sang this breathtaking arrangement of Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming by Jan Sandström. We didn't have enough choir members to have voices sing the "Oooo" part, so our pianist played that on the organ. We stood in the foyer of the church and it was incredible to hear all of our voices echo in that room and into the sanctuary.
Several times now, we've enjoyed hearing another nearby church choir perform at Christmas, and they always begin their program with this gorgeous arrangement of Of the Father's Love Begotten by Paul Wohlgemuth. I could listen to it a dozen times in a row and not get tired of it!
For the love of music, and in celebration of the birth of our Savior,
Friday, December 26, 2014
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Stories & Songs - Christmas Edition! | BYU Vocal Point
So...y'all remember a series of Christmas Edition Stories & Songs posts from last year? {Here they are}
I haven't happened upon a lot of new Christmas music since then, but I have become a big fan of BYU Vocal Point...and they sing some really wonderful arrangements of Christmas songs. If you like a capella music, and you like Christmas, you'll enjoy these videos:
I haven't happened upon a lot of new Christmas music since then, but I have become a big fan of BYU Vocal Point...and they sing some really wonderful arrangements of Christmas songs. If you like a capella music, and you like Christmas, you'll enjoy these videos:
Infant Holy, Infant Lowly
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
God Rest, Ye Merry Gentlemen
12 Days of Christmas
I'm Gettin' Nuttin' for Christmas
For the love of music, and in celebration of the birth of our Savior!
Friday, October 3, 2014
Album Review: Ellie Holcomb - As Sure As the Sun
Those of you who read my blog regularly know that my sister, Sarah, and I are really big fans of a precious Christian singer/songwriter named Ellie Holcomb. In November last year, Ellie announced that she had recently recorded her first full-length album...but instead of having a record label back the project and promote it, she asked her fans if they wanted to do it. Y'know, fund the whole thing and tell all their friends. Her fans responded with a resounding, "YES!!!"
(How could we not, after watching the promo video?!)
Not just a few fans of hers responded, either: 1,756 of them, to be exact. She hoped to raise $40,000 in 50 days. Well, let's just say that goal was met in three days...and by the time it was all said and done, they raised $108,176 (and broke a Kickstarter record)!
Of course Sarah and I were ecstatic to hear about the album, and we quickly decided that we'd go in together on a pledge amount...because on Kickstarter, the more you pledge, the more cool stuff you get: signed albums, t-shirts, posters, accessories like scarves and jewelry, etc. Then, after the $40,000 was raised, stretch goals were met and we got even more cool stuff: a pdf of handwritten stories behind the songs...vinyl records...a concert release party in Nashville...(we really wanted to go, but we just weren't able to get up there).
We were super excited when our "goodie box" came in the mail!

Then, a few weeks later, we met Ellie after the Drew Holcomb & The Neighbors concert in Oxford, Mississippi in April...what a blessing that was!

Anyways. Now that I've told you the story about all the fun we had backing Ellie on Kickstarter...let me tell you about the incredible album she recorded!
(How could we not, after watching the promo video?!)
Not just a few fans of hers responded, either: 1,756 of them, to be exact. She hoped to raise $40,000 in 50 days. Well, let's just say that goal was met in three days...and by the time it was all said and done, they raised $108,176 (and broke a Kickstarter record)!
Of course Sarah and I were ecstatic to hear about the album, and we quickly decided that we'd go in together on a pledge amount...because on Kickstarter, the more you pledge, the more cool stuff you get: signed albums, t-shirts, posters, accessories like scarves and jewelry, etc. Then, after the $40,000 was raised, stretch goals were met and we got even more cool stuff: a pdf of handwritten stories behind the songs...vinyl records...a concert release party in Nashville...(we really wanted to go, but we just weren't able to get up there).
We were super excited when our "goodie box" came in the mail!
Then, a few weeks later, we met Ellie after the Drew Holcomb & The Neighbors concert in Oxford, Mississippi in April...what a blessing that was!
Anyways. Now that I've told you the story about all the fun we had backing Ellie on Kickstarter...let me tell you about the incredible album she recorded!
Sure As The Sun
Ellie wrote this song for her precious little girl, Emmylou, but said that it was really the truth that she herself needed to be reminded of. She wrote it from Hosea 6:3: “Let us acknowledge the Lord, let us press on to acknowledge Him. As surely as the sun rises, He will appear. He will come to us like the winter rains, like the spring rains that water the earth."
Marvelous Light
We first heard this song on the promo video for her Kickstarter project and loved it. Ellie was inspired to write this song by one of the characters in Andrew Peterson's Wingfeather Saga. His secrets were exposed in front of the very people he was trying to hide from, and yet, “He moved through the days in peace and wonder, for his whole story had been told for the first time, and he found that he was still loved.” (North or Be Eaten!, p. 321) (Sarah and I recently filmed a video of us signing to this song!)
The Broken Beautiful
Ellie sings about how God can take the broken pieces in our lives and turn them into something beautiful for His glory. “You turned my wailing into dancing; You removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy.” Psalm 30:11. This song was released to Christian radio a few months ago and many people have discovered Ellie's music through it. You can hear her joy in the LORD as she sings!
My Portion and My Strength
One of my favorites to listen to on this album. "When my heart was grieved and my spirit embittered, I was senseless and ignorant. I was a brute beast before you; yet I am always with You. You hold me by my right hand. You guide me with your counsel and afterward You will lead me into glory. For whom have I in heaven but You? And earth has nothing I desire besides You. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” Psalm 73:26.
Night Song
"Be the truth that sings into my darkness / The melody of love that leads me on / Be the voice that comforts all of my sadness / Oh even when the suffering is long / Be my night song." I loved hearing Ellie tell the story behind this song during the release concert livestream. The melody is so calming and so are the lyrics!
Love Never Fails
Right before Ellie sang this song during the release concert, she said, "I wanna rollerblade to this song!" :) It's far more than a catchy tune with lyrics about love; it speaks of the unconditional love of God, and us showing that same love to others. "Help me trust that this is true / Help me to love just like You do / Oh, LORD, help me to live like / Love never fails."
Love Broke Through
This song is the most similar, in terms of the sound, to the music Ellie's husband, Drew, plays with his band. She never did write a story behind it on her blog! "Your love has called me out / Out of my sorrow, out of my broken places / Hope has been renewed / 'Cause there in the darkness, there in the darkness love broke through." Only because of the love of Christ and His life, death, and resurrection can we have eternal life and hope in Him.
Only Hope I've Got
Ellie sings of how we are so quick to claim the gifts God has given us as if they had come from ourselves, yet it is all because of His work in our lives and what He has given us that we have anything! I'm reminded of Ephesians 2:8-9: "For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast." James 1:17 also says, "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change."
The Valley
Ellie recorded this song several years ago with Drew's band; she wrote it for several friends who were struggling with depression. She wove several Psalms into the lyrics, and says that it tells her own story as much as her friends'. "So come and find me / in the darkest night of my soul / In the shadow of the valley / I am dying for You to make me whole."
Songs of Deliverance
The sweet Jillian Edwards Chapman sang with Ellie on this song, lending her high, clear voice to Ellie's rich alto. "You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.” Psalm 32:7. The hammered dulcimer adds so much to the ethereal effect of Ellie and Jillian's voices in this song!
Wanna Be Free
“If the Son of God sets you free, you will be free indeed.” John 8:36. My first thought when I heard this song was, "Wow, Ellie, getting your inner Norah Jones on!" The organ and guitar combined with Ellie's soulful voice are awesome. "Oh, my Lord, come and set us all free."
Go to freeelliemusic.com to download a free sampler of songs from Ellie, including Marvelous Light and The Valley!
For the love of music and the glory of God,
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Stories & Songs | Sam Robson - I Need Thee Every Hour
I never hear this hymn without thinking of a funny story about it:
Years ago, my sister, Sarah, and I read a book called "Wings of Gold" by Lance Patterson. It's based on his own experiences going through Officer Candidate School in the Marine Corps. He didn't hide from his drill instructors the fact that he is a Christian, and while they thought of him as a religious fanatic, they left him alone for the most part. One day he was running through an obstacle course, made particularly difficult because of a recent knee injury, so he started singing this hymn. A couple hours later, he was enjoying a nice hot shower when one of the other recruits started frantically telling him that his drill instructor wanted him in his office...pronto. Mr. Patterson wrapped himself in a towel, dripping wet, and went to the DI's office, thinking he was in trouble for something. Needless to say, he was quite surprised when the DI asked him to sing that song he was singing earlier that morning on the obstacle course. So he stood there, still dripping wet, in front of the DI and the rest of the people in the office...and sang this hymn. :)
I'm not sure how I stumbled upon Sam Robson's wonderful arrangement and recording of I Need Thee Every Hour, but I have greatly enjoyed listening to it over the last year or so. Sam does a fantastic job singing multi-part a capella hymns - check out his Youtube channel for more!
Years ago, my sister, Sarah, and I read a book called "Wings of Gold" by Lance Patterson. It's based on his own experiences going through Officer Candidate School in the Marine Corps. He didn't hide from his drill instructors the fact that he is a Christian, and while they thought of him as a religious fanatic, they left him alone for the most part. One day he was running through an obstacle course, made particularly difficult because of a recent knee injury, so he started singing this hymn. A couple hours later, he was enjoying a nice hot shower when one of the other recruits started frantically telling him that his drill instructor wanted him in his office...pronto. Mr. Patterson wrapped himself in a towel, dripping wet, and went to the DI's office, thinking he was in trouble for something. Needless to say, he was quite surprised when the DI asked him to sing that song he was singing earlier that morning on the obstacle course. So he stood there, still dripping wet, in front of the DI and the rest of the people in the office...and sang this hymn. :)
I'm not sure how I stumbled upon Sam Robson's wonderful arrangement and recording of I Need Thee Every Hour, but I have greatly enjoyed listening to it over the last year or so. Sam does a fantastic job singing multi-part a capella hymns - check out his Youtube channel for more!
I need Thee every hour
Most gracious LORD
No tender voice like Thine
Can peace afford
I need Thee, oh, I need Thee
Every hour I need Thee
Oh, bless me now, my Savior
I come to Thee
I need Thee every hour
Stay Thou nearby
Temptations lose their power
When Thou art nigh
I need Thee every hour
In joy or pain
Come quickly and abide
Or life is in vain
I need Thee every hour
Most Holy One
Oh, make me Thine, indeed
Thou blessed Son
For the love of music and the glory of God,
Friday, September 5, 2014
A Photo Tour of the White House Hotel | Biloxi, Mississippi
I can't begin to tell you how excited I am to tell you this story and share these pictures with you.
Growing up on the Mississippi Coast, I've driven down Highway 90 (the beach highway) countless times. When I was little, my family attended a church just off of 90 in Biloxi. My dad worked at Keesler Air Force Base, so sometimes we would go in the main gate - just a couple blocks off 90, on White Avenue. Needless to say, it's a familiar road with familiar sights and one that I drive down every chance I get.
There was one sight on that road that always made every Coast resident a little sad, though. At the corner of White Avenue and Highway 90 stood an old hotel, falling down and abandoned for decades. A few times, funds were scraped together and work was begun...but inevitably, the money would run out, or a hurricane would hit, and the work would come to a halt. By this time several years ago, this is what we saw:
Then some framing was put up, but once again, a fence went up around the property and it sat...for a few more years.
You can read more about the story of the White House Hotel here.
But then....
About a year ago, there was a buzz around the old property. It was suddenly filled with workmen and machinery. "It's going to open in the summer of 2014!" they told us. Oh, but we couldn't believe it. We'd been told it was going to open before, and it never did. We wouldn't believe it...couldn't believe it...until it opened.
This time, though, they were right. The work continued.
Every time we drove down Highway 90, we'd peer out the car windows.
"They've got the framing up!"
"There's a new roof!"
"Wait! They put the windows in!"
"Y'all!! The columns are back!"
"They dug out the swimming pool?!? I didn't know it was even THERE!"
"Guys they paved the parking lot!!!"
"They must be working on the inside now!"
"They're putting in the landscaping!!!"
Along with this flurry of activity came the news. "IT'S OPENING AUGUST FIRST."
And on August first, two thousand fourteen, the White House Hotel opened once again in Biloxi, Mississippi. ***applause***
A few days later, Sarah and I couldn't wait. We HAD to see it. So we drove down 90...turned on White Avenue...and turned into the parking lot. The parking lot that used to be grass. The words, "I just can't believe it!" were repeated many times.
Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you......The White House Hotel.

Back on the first floor, looking into Cora's Restaurant (named after the original owner of the hotel, Cora White).

A couple days after Sarah and I saw the hotel, we brought our mom with us and looked around some more. :) This time, it wasn't raining, and all the outdoor furniture was uncovered.

The wood on the wall behind the check-in desk is original flooring from the hotel.

This staircase is in the center of the "middle" section of the hotel. Some of the railing is original.

The sweet girl at the check-in desk took us down the hall to one of the rooms that looks out on the pool.

Third floor outdoor lounge above the main entrance.

Growing up on the Mississippi Coast, I've driven down Highway 90 (the beach highway) countless times. When I was little, my family attended a church just off of 90 in Biloxi. My dad worked at Keesler Air Force Base, so sometimes we would go in the main gate - just a couple blocks off 90, on White Avenue. Needless to say, it's a familiar road with familiar sights and one that I drive down every chance I get.
There was one sight on that road that always made every Coast resident a little sad, though. At the corner of White Avenue and Highway 90 stood an old hotel, falling down and abandoned for decades. A few times, funds were scraped together and work was begun...but inevitably, the money would run out, or a hurricane would hit, and the work would come to a halt. By this time several years ago, this is what we saw:
(source: Flickr)
(source: Flickr)
Then some framing was put up, but once again, a fence went up around the property and it sat...for a few more years.
(source: here)
You can read more about the story of the White House Hotel here.
But then....
About a year ago, there was a buzz around the old property. It was suddenly filled with workmen and machinery. "It's going to open in the summer of 2014!" they told us. Oh, but we couldn't believe it. We'd been told it was going to open before, and it never did. We wouldn't believe it...couldn't believe it...until it opened.
This time, though, they were right. The work continued.
Every time we drove down Highway 90, we'd peer out the car windows.
"They've got the framing up!"
"There's a new roof!"
"Wait! They put the windows in!"
"Y'all!! The columns are back!"
"They dug out the swimming pool?!? I didn't know it was even THERE!"
"Guys they paved the parking lot!!!"
"They must be working on the inside now!"
"They're putting in the landscaping!!!"
Along with this flurry of activity came the news. "IT'S OPENING AUGUST FIRST."
And on August first, two thousand fourteen, the White House Hotel opened once again in Biloxi, Mississippi. ***applause***
A few days later, Sarah and I couldn't wait. We HAD to see it. So we drove down 90...turned on White Avenue...and turned into the parking lot. The parking lot that used to be grass. The words, "I just can't believe it!" were repeated many times.
Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you......The White House Hotel.
Sarah and I wandered down a hallway.
"I think the northwest wing of the building must be this way..."
We came around a corner and gasped.
Go back to the top of the page. Look at the roof on the left. The copper roof and dormer windows. With nothing below it.
Those dormer windows were all that was left of that part of the hotel for years.
This is what is under those dormer windows, y'all:
"I think the northwest wing of the building must be this way..."
We came around a corner and gasped.
Go back to the top of the page. Look at the roof on the left. The copper roof and dormer windows. With nothing below it.
Those dormer windows were all that was left of that part of the hotel for years.
This is what is under those dormer windows, y'all:
A couple days after Sarah and I saw the hotel, we brought our mom with us and looked around some more. :) This time, it wasn't raining, and all the outdoor furniture was uncovered.
The wood on the wall behind the check-in desk is original flooring from the hotel.
This staircase is in the center of the "middle" section of the hotel. Some of the railing is original.
The sweet girl at the check-in desk took us down the hall to one of the rooms that looks out on the pool.
Third floor outdoor lounge above the main entrance.
The Buick Skylark stays parked outside the main entrance and is available for brides and grooms to use as a getaway car. :)
If you're interested in seeing more photos, check out the White House Hotel website and Facebook page.
For the love of the Coast,
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