Saturday, August 17, 2013

Bluegrass Jam Session Videos!

A few months ago, a friend at church told me about a group of bluegrass musicians that get together every Thursday evening here locally. I wasn't all that interested at the time (I didn't play bluegrass then) but after I bought my mandolin I definitely wanted to jam with other musicians! That's the neat thing about bluegrass - playing by yourself is boring, but playing with even just a handful of other people is SO much fun.

So I started going to The Bluegrass Cabin every week...and taking mandolin lessons...and jamming with other students every week (Mr. Jerry Johnston teaches people of all ages - it's so much fun!)...

And then Sarah wanted to get in on it. After all, it's awfully hard to sit there and listen and not want to play something yourself! So...she picked up bass fiddle. I'm not kidding...she LOVES it! :)

So sit back and enjoy...a bunch of musicians playing...For The Love Of Music.

For the love of music and the glory of God,

1 comment:

  1. Wow, this looks like fun! I'm so glad you get to gather and play with other musicians! Also that you can have mandolin lessons (did you mention you wanted those? Or was it an unexpected opportunity? I can't remember). Thanks for sharing this!



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