Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Stories & Songs - Christmas Edition! | GLAD: An Acapella Christmas

Christmas is just around the corner! (Yay! And yikes! Where did the time go?!) We started listening to Christmas music yesterday - my family has a big pile of CDs that we rotate through frequently throughout December. I thought I'd share with you some of our favorites! (I'll be posting a series over the next few days!)

We have always had a great love for men's acappella singing in my family, and one of the groups we enjoy listening to the most is GLAD. They aren't quite as well known now, but since the 80's and 90's they have been regarded as one of the best in that genre. When Sarah and I were little, we had a tape that we nearly wore out, we listened to it so much. (I can still remember hearing it over and over again one freezing cold winter as we drove to and from Iowa to visit my mom's family!)

A couple of years ago, Sarah bought the CD of that tape, so we can still listen to it...over and over again! Here are two of the songs on it...take a few minutes to listen and enjoy!

Glory to God

For Unto Us

For the love of music and the glory of God,

1 comment:

  1. Wow, those guys are talented singers! It really sounded as though they had instrumental in the background, and I thought the slower pace of "For Unto Us" was an interesting twist. Thanks for sharing!



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