Saturday, July 20, 2013

Naval Postgraduate School | Grand Trip Out West

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I'm proud to say that my dad got his master's degree at the Naval Postgraduate School. He hadn't been back there since he graduated (let's just say, that was a while ago!). So it was the first place we went to after we got to Monterey.

I didn't get very many pictures of the campus itself, but it was built around the historic Del Monte Hotel. Part of the hotel is now used for office space, but most of it is still guest quarters. What a beautiful place!

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Officers from all over the world study at NPS.

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For the love of travel,

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that is a beautiful place, very elegant. The peacock picture (the first one) made me smile. It's not the bird I would expect to find at such a renowned school! :-)



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